Medical Surgeon, Specialist in neurology and psychiatry

Laurea with honors in Medicine and Surgery, University of Milan (1986).
Specialization with honors in Neurology, University of Verona (1990).
Post Doctoral Felloship in Neuroscience, McGill University, Montreal, Canada (1990-91).
Ph.D. in Neuroscience, University of Brescia (1995).
Specialization with honors in Psychiatry, University of Brescia (2001).

Job Position
From 1991 to present Medical Director level I band B of the U.O. Neurology ASST Spedali Civili of Brescia.
Since 1998 Co-responsible for the Headache Center ASST Spedali Civili of Brescia.
Since 1999 Head of the Outpatient Botulinum Toxin Clinic ASST Spedali Civili of Brescia.
Since 2005 Deputy Director U.O. Neurology II ASST Spedali Civili of Brescia.
Since 2008 Head of the Departmental Neurological Day Hospital ASST Spedali Civili di Brescia.
Areas of prevalent interest and specialization
Headaches in adolescents and adults.
Painful pathologies of neurological scope.
Movement disorders (dystonias, Parkinson's disease).
Dementias and cognitive disorders.
Sleep, mood and anxiety disorders in the adolescent and adult.

Teaching and research assignments
Dr. Liberini has served as Adjunct Professor of Neurology and Neurological Semeiotics for the Graduate School of Neurology, Psychiatry and Anesthesia and Resuscitation. He has promoted and participated in research and higher education activities and conferences in the field of neurology.
Dr. Liberini has authored 106 publications in international scientific journals reviewed in PubMed and Neurological Guidelines for Spedali Civili di Brescia.

Headache Center for Adolescent and Adult Care and Rehabilitation

Joints of Studioerre include the Headache Center for therapeutic-rehabilitation. Patients with different types of headaches are referred to the Center: from tension, migraine, and cluster headaches to rare and drug-resistant forms. Correct diagnostic framing is a prerequisite for initiating therapy individually modulated to the pathophysiology of the disorders. Studioerre counts among its specialists Dr. Liberini, Medical Director at the Spedali Civili of Brescia. Since the time of his specialization in Neurology and later in Psychiatry, Dr. Liberini has dealt with primary headaches, particularly migraine in all its expressions and with great attention to the emotional and relational aspects related to the pathology. While having layered research and knowledge from scientific training, the Doc guides patients on a course of treatment not exclusively focused on drug therapies. This allows them to improve their quality of life without suffering potential side effects of psychotropic drugs and to prevent the dangerous transformation of migraine into a chronic form. The key moments of this discussion are, therefore, listening, education about headache awareness, and identification of possible causes that may benefit from lifestyle changes.
Conversely, the patient who has already entered the tunnel of chronicity and drug abuse is gradually led to de-addiction and reoriented to a condition of positivity in the social, family and work context. Special attention is paid to adolescents and the complex conflicts and motivational crises involving the schooling process. In this setting, there are educational meetings with small groups of patients who can "narrate" their condition of distress and share efforts and progress in fighting the disease.
The treatment program can include the collaboration of other highly qualified professionals present in Studioerre such as the Rehabilitation Therapist, the Cognitive-Behavioral Psychologist expert in BioFeedBack, the Nutritionist and the Personal Trainer who complement and enrich a not exclusively medicalized intake.
The premise of the care pathway is, therefore, to offer a multidimesional dimension, welcoming and attentive to the individual needs of the headache patient.



Unibis - Università degli Studi di Brescia
Aifi - Associazione Italiana Fisioterapisti