The physical treatment of lymphedema includes the use of techniques of manual drainage and multi-component bandage. Currently, the technique of choice is the multi-component bandage because it can drain large quantities of fluids. In areas where the bandage cannot be applied, manual drainage is used. (International Consensus – Best practice for the management of lymphedema – ILF) Once the edema has been reduced as much as possible, containment braces are used (e.g. socks and armband) for maintenance.

The lipoedema is a progressive genetic condition which is rarely taught at the faculties of medicine and within the health sector. It cannot be recognized by health professionals themselves and it is often diagnosed as obesity or lymphedema. Fat deposits, heavy legs, disproportion between the upper and the lower part of the body, spontaneous ecchymoses, possible pain, but not to the feet, are typical symptoms. Lipoedema typically appears during puberty or other periods of hormonal changes. If not treated, lipoedema may reduce mobility and life choices as well as lead to psychological and/or psychiatric problems.

Lymphedema Centre Brescia at Studioerre Via della Badia, 18 - Brescia
Tel. 347 6698173

Contact: Sara Mantovani

STUDIOERRE means full-spectrum rehabilitation